The Director of the Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liège, Daniel Weissmann, is first and foremost a violist. In the company of the pianist Jean-Louis Delahaut, he presents a recital that illustrates the rich repertory of his instrument from the age of the Romantic composers and virtuosos. A child prodigy, Daniel Weissmann discovered music at the age of two and began his studies on the violin at the age of four. He trained first at the Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris and then at the Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles, gaining diplomas in violin and in chamber music. His sense of initiative and taste for setting up new projects, however, also led him to study economics and management at the Universite de Paris-Nanterre; these were to be extremely important in his twinned activities as performing musician and as director of various musical institutions and projects. After becoming enraptured with the beauty of the viola’s sound, he then played the instrument in string quartets and other chamber ensembles before deciding to devote himself to the discovery of the Baroque and Romantic works composed for the instrument. Since 2015 he has been managing director of the Orchestre Philharmonique Royal de Liege; he continues his own musical activities with a series of concerts and recordings, as these allow him to remain in close contact with the twin facets of his musical life.