Following the success of its recording of Georg Caspar Schürmann’s opera Die getreue Alceste, the barockwerk hamburg ensemble very much wanted to discover more music by this wrongly neglected Hamburg composer. His opera Jason enjoyed great success at Hamburg’s Gänsemarkt Opera during 1720-22 and was repeated no fewer than thirty-one times during these years. And the fact that Schürmann occupied himself with his Jason for thirteen years also clearly indicates that it was regarded as a highly promising work. This recording presents a considerably abridged version of this bilingual stage work containing elements of the Italian and German Baroque opera and lasts about two hours. Along with the highly effective coloratura arias, the harmonic and melodic language of the recitatives also not least merits special mention because it is highly expressive and bold as well as finely nuanced. Medea’s part is throughout the most multifaceted one, and a broad spectrum of emotions can also be heard in her recitatives – ranging from enamorment through doubt, jealousy, revenge, and seduction to desire for power and delight in victory.