Violoncello is a word that names the bass instrument of the violin family, an instrument of which the origin dates back to the beginning of the sixteenth century. However, the first document that contains this term is in a collection of sonatas by Giulio Cesare Arresti published in 1665. From a musicological point, this fact is of big importance because of its philological use to standardize the word in the future as a fix term to name the instrument. Based on this background, the ensemble decided to choose a specific repertoire taking into account the historical context of the cello’s use as a solo instrument. The main part of this instrumental journey is dedicated to the first collection of music for violoncello, the Ricercate sopra il Violoncello o clavicembalo, Opera Prima by Giovanni Battista degli Antonii, published in Bologna in 1687. Giovanni Battista degli Antonii, born in Bologna himself, was an organist and member of the Concerto Palatino as a trombonist and cornettist from 1650 to 1675. From 1684 he was member of the Accademia Filarmonica, as specified on the front cover of his Ricercate, along with the dedication of the composition to the duke Francesco Il d’Este.