This is already the third recording of a very unusual ensemble- a duo of guitar and harp. All works on this album have been composed directly for the two. Maximilian Mangold is regarded "... as one of the most interesting current German guitarists" (Fono Forum 10/2003). The German Guitar Magazin "Gitarre Aktuell" calls him an "exceptional guitarist". He has won numerous prizes and awards, amongst other the International Guitar Competition in Mettmann in 1991, the Competition of the Guitar Foundation of America in Quebec (Canada) in 1994 and in Northridge (USA) in 1995. In 1992 he was the prizewinner of the German Music Competition and thus was selected to perform in the 38th German "Young Musicians of the Year Concert Series". For her "harp playing full of grace and feeling" (Lippisches Kultur Journal) Mirjam Schroeder has won numerous competitions, such as the ARD International Music Competition 2004 with the Audience Award and the 3rd Prize, the Concorsi Arpista Ludovico Madrid 2002 and the International Reinl Competition Vienna / Munich with the 1st prize. She made her concert debut at the age of 15 with Mozart's double concerto for harp and flute. Since then she performs as a soloist and chamber musician throughout Germany and Europe.