All of Steuart Bedford's Britten recordings are excellent, and this one is no exception. The most important item here is the suite from Gloriana, a beautiful and moving piece that for some reason has never quite caught on. Bedford captures the bravura and pageantry of the opening and Courtly Dances, as well as that bitter edge that so surprised the opera's first audience. There are more exciting performances of the Four Sea Interludes available (including the composer's own), though Bedford's are never less than very good--but the Sinfonia da Requiem is terrific, aided by some virtuoso playing in the second movement by the LSO brass section and by a rich recording that gives those pounding timpani and bass drum strokes in the opening movement great power. Originally recorded for Collins Classics, at Naxos prices this is a bargain of the first magnitude. [6/14/2005] --David Hurwitz,