In Sweden Carl Michael Bellman (1740–1795) hardly requires any introduction. He is regarded as Sweden’s foremost national poet. Even children at school learn several of his songs. In Fredman’s Epistles, Bellman uses the New Testament as a basis. The drunkard, former royal watchmaker Jean Fredman has the leading role as a kind of a contemporary St. Paul sending epistles to the persistent drinkers at Stockholm’s taverns. Fredman preaches that we should make the most of the moment. The early epistles have many traits of parodying the Bible. The personage in Fredman’s Epistlar is large. Most of them have been identified as real people in Stockholm, such as Fredrik Movitz, Eric Nordström and Lorenz Mollberg. The role model of Ulla Winblad was Maja Christina Kiellström-Winblad. The performers have also chosen to include five youth poems, several of them never issued before. Stina Hellberg Agback, harp, Jonas Isaksson, guitar and lute and Andreas Nyberg, violin, have answered for the varied accompaniment.