The “Italianate” Bach? Not entirely Italian, in fact, although in these works we can clearly trace the ways in which the great German master absorbed and understood a variety of musical elements used by Italian composers (concerto movements and concerto-like sections, wild passaggi – and even the use of archaic durezze e ligature (discords and suspensions) and the con discrezione style of some Bach harpsichord toccatas, which inevitably bring Frescobaldi and Froberger to mind. Slobodan Jovanović was born in 1977 in Pančevo (Serbia). He studied harpsichord and clavichord with Robert Hill and basso continuo with Michael Behringer in Freiburg i. Br. In Karlsruhe he studied fortepiano and chamber music with Kristian Nyquist. He is also trained as a professional organist. Alongside harpsichordists Colin Tilney und Huguette Dreyfus he attended various master classes as a scholarship holder. As well as this he perfected his basso continuo under Jesper Bøje Christensen.