In 1928-29, Dr. Werner Wolffheim put his legendary music collection up for auction in Berlin. Among its countless treasures are original editions of J.S. Bach‘s “The Art of the Fugue” and “Musical Offering” as well as an “Album for the Lute”, an exquisite collection of music for the 11-course baroque lute. This manuscript, now kept in Melbourne, contains almost exclusively unique pieces, which were recorded here for the first time. But even the best music library remains silent until it is made to sound.
The “Handschrift aus der 2. Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts, eine Art Album” (Manuscript from the second half of the 17th Century, a kind of album) presented on this recording for the first time offers an exquisite collection of music for the 11-course baroque lute – excellently interpreted by the lutenist Bernhard Hofstötter.