Modern music has emerged from a never ending struggle between characteristics from both the old and the new. While the old one fights to survive, the new one fights for its birth - this struggle for existence has been lasting for centuries. Rules are introduced, sometimes they become crystalized, sometimes they are rejected. As a result, music is like a living organism that is filtered and refined while being added to and improved as each era passes. This album is the result of my personal struggle between old and new, between past and future, for nowadays music is written by computers but musical rules remain the same as those written centuries ago. Since Vito Lo Re has always had an innate inclination to compose music associated with images, he often asks ''what is 35mm?''. It could be called a musical library of different moods and feelings, but even this definition would be especially limiting. Instead, he would argue that 35mm is his very heartfelt tribute to cinema and my declaration of love for the Seventh Art.